The Girl Scouts Brave the Cold!


It was a bitter cold day but the girl scouts braved it. Facing the elements, and standing under a small tent they gave out care packages to our guests. We want to thank you for your effort, especially during the winter when our guests have the hardest time. Even the smallest gesture, something that we take for granted can make such a huge difference for those who have nothing. The girls were stoic and never complained as they gave out the care packages under a tent. It was amazing to see a group so young so involved and understanding to the people who visit St. John’s. It was a pleasure to have them , and we hope to see them again soon! The message they wrote on the bags was heartwarming and I’d love to share it —

Please let this bag and its contents be a blessing to you as you are going through hardships! Know that you are cared for and not forgotten. Know that there is always hope.

Thanks again to the Nutley Girl Scout Cadette Troop 20099 for braving the terrible weather to hand out toiletry bags to the men and women who visit St. John's! It's always so rewarding to give back, and I know the Girl Scouts had a lot of fun, even if it was a bit cold. Thanks again and good luck this year!

Anthony Jenner